The Ultimate Guide to Bambu Lab P1S Bowden Tube

The Ultimate Guide to Bambu Lab P1S Bowden Tube

Welcome to an in-depth exploration of the Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer and its integral component, the Bowden tube. Discover the critical functions and maintenance tips related to this essential element of 3D printing technology. Let’s unravel the mysteries behind the Bambu Lab P1S Bowden Tube that can enhance your printing experience and efficiency.

Understanding the Role of Bowden Tube in Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer

The Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer features a Bowden tube that plays a crucial role in guiding filament during the printing process. Let’s delve into some details:

  1. PTFE Tube Function:

    • The PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) tube, also known as a Bowden tube, serves two main purposes:
      • Reducing Resistance: It minimizes friction, allowing filament to flow smoothly from the extruder to the hotend.
      • Guiding Filament: The tube guides the filament from the spool to the hotend assembly.
    • The inner diameter of the PTFE tube is 2.5mm, while the outer diameter is 4mm.
  2. Tube Wear and Maintenance:

    • Keep in mind that PTFE tubes are consumables and may experience wear over time due to contact with the filament.
    • Regularly inspect the tube for signs of abrasion or damage, especially where it rubs against the filament.
  3. Tool for PTFE Tube Removal:

    • If you need to remove the PTFE tube from the AMS hub (part of the Bambu Lab P1S), there’s a handy 3D-printed tool designed by Jody available on
    • This tool facilitates easy removal of the tube, ensuring smooth maintenance and replacement when necessary.

Key Features of the Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer

The Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer offers several advantages that make it a compelling choice for enthusiasts and professionals alike:

  1. Blazing Speed: The P1S boasts impressive print speeds, capable of reaching up to 500mm/s. If you’re looking for a swift 3D printing experience, the P1S won’t disappoint.

  2. Enclosed Design for High-Temperature Printing: With its fully enclosed structure, the P1S is suitable for high-temperature printing. This feature ensures better control over temperature-sensitive materials and minimizes warping during the printing process.

  3. Simple Auto Bed Leveling: The P1S includes one of the best auto bed leveling systems, making setup and calibration hassle-free. Achieving a perfectly leveled bed is crucial for successful 3D prints, and the P1S streamlines this process.

  4. Wide Material Compatibility: The P1S can handle a vast array of materials, including PLA, TPU, ABS, and PC (up to 300 degrees Celsius). Whether you’re experimenting with flexible filaments or rigid plastics, the P1S has you covered.

  5. Core XY Speed: Like its predecessor, the X1 Carbon, the P1S utilizes Core XY motion for rapid and precise movement. Core XY systems are known for their efficiency and accuracy, resulting in smooth and detailed prints.

  6. Optional 4-Color AMS (Automatic Mixing System): Bambu Lab’s popular AMS system allows you to print in up to 16 colors. While the P1S comes with a single extruder, the AMS adds versatility by blending filament colors on the fly.

However, it’s essential to consider a few trade-offs:

  • Noise: The P1S can be noisy during operation, which might be a concern if you prefer quieter 3D printers.
  • Proprietary Replacement Parts: Some components are proprietary, so sourcing replacements may be limited to Bambu Lab’s offerings.
  • AMS Filament Waste: The AMS unit can lead to filament waste, especially during color transitions. Keep this in mind when planning your prints.

In summary, the Bambu Lab P1S strikes a balance between affordability, speed, and material versatility. If you’re in the market for a reliable 3D printer, the P1S is worth considering

Close-up of a white and gray 3D printer with yellow cable ties holding the filament tube in place.

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Installing Bambu Lab P1S Bowden Tube: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s walk through the steps for installing the Bambu Lab P1S Bowden Tube in your 3D printer. While I don’t have access to specific images or videos, I’ll provide a general guide based on available information. Remember to consult the official Bambu Lab P1S manual for any model-specific details.

  1. Unboxing and Preparation:

    • Begin by unboxing your Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer.
    • Ensure you have all the necessary components, including the Bowden tube.
  2. Locate the Bowden Tube:

    • Identify the Bowden tube in your printer kit. It’s a flexible tube that guides filament from the extruder to the hotend.
  3. Remove the Existing Tube (if applicable):

    • If your printer already has a Bowden tube installed, carefully remove it.
    • Gently release any clips or connectors securing the tube.
  4. Prepare the New Bowden Tube:

    • Inspect the new Bowden tube for any defects or kinks.
    • Trim the tube to the appropriate length if needed (usually matching the original tube’s length).
  5. Attach the Tube to the Extruder:

    • Insert one end of the Bowden tube into the extruder assembly.
    • Secure it using any provided clips or fittings.
  6. Route the Tube:

    • Route the Bowden tube along the designated path (usually guided by cable chains or holders).
    • Avoid sharp bends or tight angles to prevent filament binding.
  7. Connect to the Hotend:

    • Insert the other end of the Bowden tube into the hotend assembly.
    • Ensure it seats properly and securely.
  8. Secure the Tube:

    • Use any included clips or mounts to secure the Bowden tube along its route.
    • Make sure it doesn’t interfere with other printer components.
  9. Calibration and Testing:

    • Power on your printer and perform any necessary calibration steps.
    • Load filament and check if it feeds smoothly through the Bowden tube.
    • Run a test print to verify proper filament flow.
  10. Final Check:

    • Inspect the entire Bowden tube path for any issues.
    • Confirm that the tube is correctly attached at both ends.

Remember to consult the official Bambu Lab P1S manual

For more detailed instructions, you can also refer to the Bambu Lab P1S Quick Start Manual . Additionally, you might find helpful discussions and tips on platforms like Reddit, such as this thread on PTFE Tube Guide Installation .

The image shows a white and gray 3D printer with a black power cord.

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Common Issues with Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer’s Bowden Tube

Let’s delve into some common issues related to the Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer’s Bowden tube. Here are a few potential problems and their solutions:

  1. Adhesion Issues After Changing Bowden Tube:

    • If you’ve recently replaced the Bowden tube on your Bambu Lab P1S and are experiencing adhesion problems, consider the following steps:
      • Calibration Sequence: Run a calibration sequence to ensure proper alignment.
      • Bed Leveling: Check if your print bed is level.
      • Bed Adhesion: Ensure the print surface is clean and properly prepared.
      • Nozzle Temperature: Verify that the nozzle temperature is appropriate for the filament you’re using.
      • Slicer Settings: Review your slicer settings to optimize print quality.
      • Filament Jamming: Inspect the filament path for any obstructions.
      • Maintenance: Regularly maintain your printer to prevent issues.
      • Enclosure: Consider using an enclosure to regulate temperature during printing.
      • Upgrades: Explore any available upgrades for your printer.
  2. Brand New BambuLab P1S Consistently Failing:

    • If your brand-new BambuLab P1S is consistently failing, it can be frustrating. Make sure to troubleshoot the specific issues you’re encountering. Sometimes even “real” 3D printers can have unexpected challenges.
  3. Bowden Tube Disconnection:

    • The PTFE tube (Bowden tube) extends from the printer’s outside to the extruder. The small black guide and clip help hold it in place. If you’re facing disconnection issues, ensure the tube is securely connected to the back of your unit.

A red arrow points to a small blue plastic part that is attached to a white tube.

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Understanding Bowden Tubes

The Bowden tube plays a crucial role in the performance of your 3D printer. Let’s delve into its significance and maintenance:

  1. What is a Bowden Tube?

    • A Bowden tube is a flexible conduit that connects the extruder (where the filament is pushed) to the hot end (where it melts and deposits).
    • It allows the filament to travel from the spool to the print head without being directly attached to the extruder motor.
  2. Advantages of Bowden Tubes:

    • Reduced Moving Mass: Since the extruder motor is stationary, the moving mass (the part that needs to be accelerated and decelerated during printing) is minimized. This can lead to faster print speeds.
    • Less Vibrations: The absence of a heavy motor on the print head reduces vibrations, resulting in smoother prints.
    • Longer Bowden tubes can allow you to position the filament spool farther away from the printer, saving space.
  3. Maintenance Considerations:

    • Regular Inspection: Check the Bowden tube periodically for signs of wear, cracks, splits, or discoloration. If you notice any issues, consider replacing it.
    • Material Choice: Opt for a tube with high abrasion resistance and low friction. Common materials include PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) or specialized tubes like Capricorn.
    • Tube Coupling Collet: Be cautious when removing the Bowden tube multiple times. The collet (the part that holds the tube in place) can leave scratch marks on the tube’s exterior, reducing its grip. This movement can negatively impact print quality.

Close-up of a 3D printer nozzle with a drop of molten plastic on the tip.

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The Bambu Lab P1S Bowden tube stands as a cornerstone of efficient filament guidance in 3D printing, ensuring smooth and precise material flow from the extruder to the hotend assembly. By understanding its functions, maintenance requirements, and troubleshooting techniques, you can optimize your printing workflow and achieve exceptional results with your Bambu Lab P1S printer. Remember, the Bowden tube is not just a conduit but a vital component that empowers your creativity and technical prowess in the world of 3D printing.


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