Creality K1 Speedy 3D Printer 600mm/s High Speed Printing Auto Leveling Dual-gear direct drive extruder 32mm³/s Max Flow Hotend Review

  • Aliexpress ID: 1005005967990706
  • Price: €589.16
  • Posted: March 5, 2024

The Review of: Creality K1 Speedy 3D Printer 600mm/s High Speed Printing Auto Leveling Dual-gear direct drive extruder 32mm³/s Max Flow Hotend Review

The Creality K1 Speedy 3D Printer is an impressive machine that combines speed and precision. Let’s break down its features:

  1. High Speed Printing: The K1 boasts a maximum print speed of 600 mm/s, making it one of the fastest 3D printers available. This rapid printing capability allows you to create your designs efficiently.

  2. Build Volume: The printer offers a large-scale build volume of 300 x 300 x 300 mm. This spacious area allows you to work on substantial projects and create larger 3D prints.

  3. Dual-Gear Direct Drive Extruder: The K1 features a dual-gear direct drive extruder, which ensures reliable filament feeding and precise layer deposition. This design contributes to smoother and more accurate prints.

  4. Hotend with Max Flow: The hotend on the K1 supports a maximum flow rate of 32 mm³/s. This means it can handle a significant amount of filament, allowing for faster extrusion during printing.

  5. Auto Leveling: The printer comes equipped with auto bed leveling, simplifying the setup process and ensuring a flat printing surface.

  6. Innovative Motion System: The K1 utilizes an innovative motion system, featuring a lightweight printhead weighing just 190g. This lightweight design enables swift movement during printing, contributing to its high-speed capabilities.

In summary, the Creality K1 Speedy 3D Printer is a professional-grade CoreXY printer that excels in speed, build volume, and precision. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, this printer offers an exciting combination of features for your 3D printing needs.
