Ultimate Guide to Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus Heated Bed Thermistor

Ultimate Guide to Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus Heated Bed Thermistor

Discover the essential components of the Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus 3D printer, including its heated bed and thermistor. Dive into the intricate details of how these elements work together to enhance your 3D printing experience.

Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus 3D Printer’s Heated Bed

The Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus 3D printer features a heated bed, an essential component for successful 3D printing. Let’s delve into some details about the heated bed and its thermistor:

  1. Heated Bed Purpose:

    • The heated bed ensures improved adhesion and reduced warping by maintaining consistent temperature levels throughout the printing process .
    • It provides a stable platform for your 3D prints, allowing them to adhere securely during the printing process.
  2. Temperature Settings:

    • For printing with ABS filament, which has a higher melting temperature, the recommended setting for the heated bed is 100-110°C .
    • However, during actual printing, it’s common to adjust the bed temperature to around 60-70°C to achieve optimal results without affecting print quality .
  3. Maintenance and Replacement:

    • Over time, wear and tear can impact the heated bed’s performance. Regular maintenance is crucial.
    • If you need to replace the heated bed on your Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus, follow these steps:
      • Tools Needed: Magnetic sticker, flat-blade screwdriver, M2.5 hex key, and the new heated bed.
      • Step 1: Remove the bottom cover, unplug the wiring plug, and then remove the screws securing the existing heated bed .
      • Step 2: Install the new heated bed, ensuring proper alignment and secure attachment.
      • Step 3: Reconnect the wiring plug.
      • Step 4: Calibrate the bed temperature settings as needed for your specific filament type.

Heated Bed Compatibility

The Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus 3D printer is equipped with a heated bed that plays a crucial role in ensuring proper adhesion and reducing warping during the printing process. Let’s explore the compatibility and features of this heated bed:

  1. Heated Bed Compatibility:

    • The Anycubic Heated Bed is compatible with several models, including the Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus. Here’s a list of compatible printers:
      • Anycubic Kobra
      • Anycubic Kobra Max
      • Anycubic Kobra Plus
      • Anycubic Kobra Go
      • Anycubic Kobra Neo
      • Anycubic Kobra 2
      • Anycubic Kobra 2 Pro
      • Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo
      • Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus
      • Anycubic Kobra 2 Max.
  2. Enhanced Printing Platform:

    • The dedicated Heated Bed ensures consistent temperature levels throughout the printing process, leading to improved adhesion and reduced warping.
    • If you own an Anycubic FDM 3D printer, consider upgrading it with this heated bed for an enhanced printing experience.

In summary, the Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus

This image shows a metal heatbreak with a silicone sock and a Bowden tube attached to it.

IMG Source: gstatic.com

Guide to Installing Heated Bed Thermistor for Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus

Here’s a guide on installing the heated bed thermistor for the Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus:

  1. Prepare the Necessary Tools and Components:

    • Make sure you have the following tools and components ready:
      • Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus 3D printer
      • Heated bed thermistor
      • Screwdriver
      • Wiring connectors (if needed)
  2. Access the Heated Bed Area:

    • Turn off the printer and unplug it from the power source.
    • Remove the build surface or any other components covering the heated bed area.
  3. Locate the Thermistor Connector:

    • The thermistor connector is usually located near the heated bed.
    • It might be taped or secured under the heated bed. Carefully remove any tape or securing material.
  4. Install the Thermistor:

    • Insert the thermistor into the designated hole on the heated bed.
    • Ensure that the thermistor is securely in place and the wires are not pinched or damaged.
  5. Connect the Thermistor Wires:

    • Connect the thermistor wires to the corresponding connector on the control board.
    • Follow the labels on the cables to ensure correct connections.
    • Important: Do not connect or disconnect any cables while the printer is powered on.
  6. Secure the Wires:

    • Use cable ties or clips to secure the thermistor wires along the printer frame or other suitable locations.
    • Make sure the wires are not dangling or obstructing any moving parts.
  7. Test the Thermistor:

    • Power on the printer and check if the heated bed thermistor is functioning correctly.
    • You can use a multimeter to measure the resistance across the thermistor leads. The resistance should change as the temperature varies.
  8. Calibration and Fine-Tuning:

    • If necessary, calibrate the heated bed temperature settings in your printer’s firmware.
    • Perform a test print to ensure that the heated bed maintains the desired temperature during printing.

Remember to follow safety precautions and handle electrical components carefully. If you encounter any issues during installation, consult the official Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus user manual

!Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus

Four binder clips hold a PEI sheet to a metal print bed.

IMG Source: shopify.com

Calibrating Temperature Sensors

Calibrating temperature sensors is essential to ensure accurate and reliable measurements. Let’s delve into the process of thermistor temperature calibration:

  1. Understanding Calibration:

    • Calibration involves comparing the output of a temperature sensor with a known reference standard. This comparison helps identify any deviations or inaccuracies in the sensor’s measurements.
    • By calibrating temperature sensors, we can quantify measurement errors and compensate for them, resulting in improved accuracy and traceability.
  2. Factors Affecting Sensor Accuracy:

    • Temperature sensors are influenced by various environmental effects, including thermal stress, mechanical stress, radiation, humidity, and aging during storage, shipment, and assembly.
    • The physical placement of the sensor significantly impacts its apparent accuracy due to local temperature gradients.
    • External components (such as ADCs and filters) connected to the sensor also affect overall system performance.
  3. General Steps for Calibration:

    • System Calibration for Traceability:
      • The assembled measurement system is compared to a known, traceable measurement standard (e.g., NIST, UL, EN).
      • Ideally, the system response is linear, allowing for simple offset or gain and offset corrections.
      • Non-linear sensor responses require multipoint linearization using a look-up table (LUT) before gain and offset calibration.
    • Analog Temperature Monitoring Systems:
      • Analog sensors (e.g., NTC thermistors) require an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to translate voltage to temperature.
      • Errors arise from factors like the ADC and bias resistor (if used).
      • Linearization and calibration are necessary for achieving high accuracy and traceability.
  4. Practical Considerations:

    • Multipoint Linearization: When dealing with non-linear systems, use a LUT to map sensor readings to accurate temperature values.
    • Offset and Gain Calibration: Adjust the system response to match the reference standard.
    • Intrinsic Accuracy: While apparent accuracy can be improved with physical design, intrinsic accuracy remains an inherent device characteristic.
    • External Components: Consider their impact on overall system performance.

A schematic of the experimental setup including (a) the foam sample holder and (b) the measurement system.

IMG Source: mdpi.com

Troubleshooting the Heated Bed Thermistor

If you’re experiencing issues with the heated bed thermistor on your Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus 3D printer, here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow:

  1. Check the Resistance Value:

    • Turn off the printer.
    • Measure the resistance value of the NTC terminal (T1) of the heated bed using a multimeter at room temperature (25°C).
    • The expected resistance value should be around 100±15KΩ. If it deviates significantly, it might indicate an issue with the heated bed.
    • Consider replacing the heated bed if necessary.
  2. Heated Bed Replacement:

    • Replacing the heated bed involves handling cables and wires, so safety is crucial.
    • Refer to the official Anycubic website for detailed instructions on how to replace the heated bed.
    • Ensure you follow the steps carefully to avoid any damage or accidents.

The image shows a black plastic housing with two black wires coming out of it, attached to a yellow circuit board with a red button switch.

IMG Source: redd.it

Ensuring the proper functioning of the Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus heated bed thermistor is vital for achieving high-quality 3D prints. By following the detailed installation and calibration guide provided, you can troubleshoot and maintain your printer effectively. Remember, a well-maintained heated bed and thermistor are key to consistent and successful 3D printing with your Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus.

Keep creating with precision and accuracy knowing that your equipment is in top shape.


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